Onsite Interpretation in the Philippines

Interpretation guaranteed
Any problems or issues you may have in the Philippines,
we are here to provide you personalized support

You can trust us for a long time
Becoming “your partner in the Philippines”
is our goal

“I was worried because the content interpreted was technical, but thanks to the interpreter in charge who checked and sorted things out one by one,

I was relieved to know that everything was conveyed well to the other party. I look forward to working with you again on my next business trip.”


“We had an important meeting attended by cabinet ministers, and the high-level interpreter was very reassuring throughout.
Thank you for arranging this in a timely manner.”


“I understand English, but I was concerned about the local transit due to time constraints.When I actually came to the Philippines,

the transit system was so confusing that I was glad I decided to ask for a guide. My work also bore fruit, so I can return to Japan with pride.”


“We think it is important to show our thanks properly, so we used professional interpreters to ensure that our gratitude was conveyed to the people in the Philippines.

I feel that they understood the feelings from our troops.”
(*The request was made by a member of the Japan Self Defense Force to convey gratitude to the Philippines Navy)


These are some of the comments we have received from clients who have used PinoLa Inc.’s services during business trips to the Philippines.


Japan’s “social etiquette” and “norms”
do not apply in the Philippines, where there are different business practices and culture.

When communicating with Filipinos, who have their own unique set of values, it is necessary to understand and show respect to those values.
The same is true at work. The key to success in doing business in the Philippines lies in understanding and respecting their own views on work.
It is safe to say that.


Our goal is to be “your partner in the Philippines,” someone you can trust for years to come.
Not only with conveying subtle nuances so that communication goes smoothly,
we will also support you with services tailored to your needs, such as resolving problems or concerns you may have in your dealings.

Choosing an interpreter without making mistakes

PinoLa Inc.’s interpreters all have high language skills. We will refer you to the interpreter(s) we believe best fits your needs based on their diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise.But our job does not end with dispatching the interpreter. After finishing the interpretation work, we work to improve quality by sharing case studies and skills based on feedback we receive from our clients, and we also routinely exchange information for the purpose of improving quality assurance.


Half-day (4 hours) 20,000 JPY
Full day (8 hours) 30,000 JPY

Assistance with local transportation

Filipino interpreters capable of daily conversation in Japanese assist with transportation in Manila and Cebu.
●This service is available for business trips or travelers who need general Filipino language support on-site.

※This does not cater to specialized interpretation, such as business meetings.
※A surcharge applies if a Japanese guide is required.


Consecutive Interpretation

Half-day (4 hours) 21,000-70,000 JPY
Full day (8 hours) 34,000-90,000 JPY

For business, such as business meetings

The interpreter will be either a Japanese interpreter who has been working in the Philippines for many years, or a Filipino interpreter who is fluent in Japanese (Nihongo Kentei Level 1 or 2).


Simultaneous Interpretation

Please contact us.

For international conferences and large-scale events

Skilled interpreters interpret in near real-time while listening to the speaker.In addition to very advanced language skills, they have the thinking, judgment, broad knowledge, and education to digest the speaker’s statements and immediately formulate sentences.

●For symposiums, international conferences, presentations, etc.

※The availability of suitable interpreters is limited, so please book early.


Translation Experience and Fields of Service

Government agencies

Meetings with legislators, ministers and other government officials; ministry meetings, ASEAN meetings, international conferences, etc.

IT, telecommunications, machinery

Business meeting with major Philippine telecommunications companies; business meetings, negotiations, accompaniment on business; product development, marketing meetings; recruitment interviews with a company listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange

Medical and pharmaceutical

Facility accompaniment; business meetings, negotiations, accompaniment on business; nursing/caregiver recruitment interviews

Food, beverage, food service

Business meeting with the largest beverage manufacturer in the Philippines

Broadcasting and videos

Interviews with athletes, filming of commercials, news interviews

Construction and plants

Business meetings and accompaniment on business; factory and site inspections, recruitment interviews at a company listed on the first section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange


Exchange meetings between the Philippines Navy and Japan Self-Defense Forces, technical assistance for Tokyo Stock Exchange-listed aviation-related company

Universities, research institutes, public offices, local governments, etc.

Seminars and symposiums, JICA presentations, lectures at the University of the Philippines

Apparel and cosmetics

Accompanying factory visits, product development and management strategy meetings

Our Activities -BLOG-



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【同時通訳】大阪港セミナー in マニラ

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For First-Time Visitors to the Philippines

— Reliable Reservation Service —


Many clients get surprised by unpredictable situations caused by cultural and national characteristic differences, as well as social situations.

・The rental car reserved arrives an hour late…

・They are unable to travel due to unpredictable “heavy traffic” and are forced to rearrange their schedule…

・The distance between the hotel where they plan to stay and the place they are visiting is unexpectedly far…

In fact, these problems can generally be prevented by discussing the schedule and other details in advance.

PinoLa Inc. offers a variety of reservation services tailored to your travel objectives so that you can avoid these situations. /span>

We can also assist you in making appointments with local companies, booking accommodations, and arranging car rentals.

We offer a variety of services to help you make the most of your limited time in Manila.

Please do not hesitate to contact us.