Tagalog Translation (Filipino Translation)

〜From translation to proofreading and rewriting〜
With PinoLa Inc.
head with Filipino people
to an “every day with more smiles”


“We want to strengthen the bond between Japan and the Philippines through the power of language”
We at PinoLa Inc. provide translation services specializing in Tagalog (Filipino) based on this philosophy.

To further deepen the relationships between as many of our clients and Filipino people,
we are very particular about each part of our job, from educating translators to the work process, and repeatedly apply our ingenuity on a daily basis.

We promise to provide all clients involved in the Philippines with “affordable rates” and reliable,
“accurate” and “easy-to-understand” translations.

PinoLa Inc. translations are uniquely made with respect for our clients’ wishes and the utmost sincerity.
For as many clients as possible, spending “fulfilling days full of smiles with the Filipino people”
is what we sincerely hope for.

Three Reasons to Choose Us

Experienced translators
~ Caters even to specialized content ~

We have many excellent translators, including graduates of the Philippines’ most prestigious universities with over ten years of translation experience and experienced Tagalog lecturers in university. We also have translators with expertise in various fields, such as researchers, writers, technical experts, and IT professionals to support deeper communication.

Unparalleled accumulation of experience due to our expertise
~Quality trusted even by major translation companies~

Our translation experience includes brochures, websites, product information, videos, manga, audio tracks, lyrics, technical manuals, certifications, and contracts. Our high-quality, reliable standards have earned us even the trust of major translation companies.

Support for eight Philippine languages
~Support even for regional languages~

In addition to Tagalog, the national language of the Philippines, we also support numerous regional languages, including Cebuano (Visayan), Ilocano, and Waray, which have a large number of native speakers. We can also handle Filipino translations that are difficult for other companies.



【法人向け】Tagalog Translation (Filipino Translation) Services

At PinoLa Inc., we offer “translation by translators” and “self-checking by translators” as basic translation services.
Furthermore, as an option to further improve the quality of the translation, we also offer “Third-Party Checking” and “Third-Party Proofreading/Rewriting” upon request.
In addition to the assigned translator, a third-party checker and proofreader will check the translation from their own perspective to reduce errors and improve the accuracy and quality of the translation.

Translation and Self-Checking

【Basic Services】

The assigned translator translates the original text, checks it themselves, and hands in the translation. We will provide you with a translation that maintains a certain level of quality, but due to the minimal checking, some mistakes may be left undetected. On the other hand​, this makes our translations inexpensive and quick.

Third-Party Checking

【Optional Service】

The manuscript translated and self-checked by the assigned translator is then checked by a third party. Based on the issues identified by the third party, the assigned translator makes corrections and hands in the translated document. By applying the checklist described below, we can find areas for improvement, such as differences in interpretation or nuance, further enhancing the quality of the translation.

Third-Party Proofreading/Rewriting

【Optional service】

A skilled translator with more than ten years of translation experience carefully performs a final check of the translated manuscript. We consider the subtle differences in nuance and make the text more accurate and easier to read before handing it in. By combining translation with a third-party check, we can maximize the quality of the translation and ensure that the text is easy for the reader to understand.

Support After Completion

Please feel free to contact us at any time after submission to confirm the content of the translation, make corrections due to changes in the manuscript, or for additional translations, as we will responsibly provide customer-friendly service.


【Basic Services】
Checked by the assigned translator
【Optional Service】
Checked by a third-party checker
【Optional Service】
Third-Party Proofreading/Rewriting
Translation errors Items self-checked by the assigned translator 担当翻訳者のセルフチェック項目
Translation omissions
Point out or suggest errors in the translation or misleading expressions

Rewrite to make the text easier to read and more natural
(Improve grammar and sentence structure)
Errors such as misspellings, omissions or additions, and numerical errors Point out or suggest sentences that are difficult to understand
Apply the subtle nuances of the original text
Unify terminologies
(Are the translations of the terms consistent?)
→Return the checked manuscript to the assigned translator/proofreader for the assigned translator/proofreader to make corrections
Although not errors, rewrite expressions that could potentially be misleading and
identify unnatural or unclear points in the original text
Matching the target audience (the intended readers/users of the text) rewrite expressions and phrases

Tagalog Translation (Filipino Translation) Rates

The minimum amount for each item is the base fee for “Translation and Self-Checking.”
An optional fee (up to 80% of the base fee) is added for additional “Third-Party Checking” or “Third-Party Proofreading/Rewriting.
[Example] For translating a general Japanese document (Difficulty Level A) into Tagalog, the basic fee for “Translation and Self-Checking” is 8.3 JPY.

Japanese → Tagalog Tagalog → Japanese English → Tagalog Japanese ↔ Filipino
Difficulty Level A 8.3-15 JPY/character 10-18 JPY/word 10-18 JPY/word  

Please contact us

Difficulty Level B 9-16.5 JPY/character 11-20 JPY/word 11-20 JPY/word
Difficulty Level C 10-18 JPY/word 12-22 JPY/word 12-22 JPY/word
Documents of certification 4,000-5,000 JPY/page 5,000-7,000 JPY/page 5,000-7,000 JPY/page
Videos, Subtitles, Audio Tracks 4,000-7,200 JPY/minute 5,000-9,000 JPY/minute 5,000-9,000 JPY/minute
Development of translation machines
and other such work
Please contact us

Difficulty Level A: General documents for Filipinos that do not require expert knowledge for translation, such as lifestyle guides, catalogs, event information, various applications for government offices, SNS messages, and public documents, etc.
Difficulty Level B: Educational materials with technical terms, such as instruction manuals, specifications, factory guides, company and product guides, etc.
Difficulty Level C: Various contracts, documents related to medical science or pharmaceutics, documents related to taxes, finances, or accounting, etc.

Suited to your purpose and budget,
Tagalog Translation (Filipino Translation) services at your disposal

We will recommend the cost performance to best accommodate your purpose and budget.For Third-Party Checking of translated content, depending on the situation, we will employ both Filipinos and Japanese to ensure the accuracy of the translation based on multiple perspectives and knowledge.

Examples of Japanese to Tagalog (Filipino) Translation Services Offered
Examples of requests Services provided Guidelines for quality and accuracy 料金
For focus on the price and speed Translation and Self-Checking (F) 91~100% Basic fee
お手頃な料金で、安定した品質の翻訳を得たい Translation and Self-Checking (F)
+ Third-Party Checking (J)
94~100% 140% of the basic fee
(additional 40% as optional fee)
For a higher quality translation while keeping the budget low Translation and Self-Checking (F)
+ Third-Party Checking (F)
96~100% 160% of the basic fee
For printed materials (advertisements and brochures), manuals, and
important documents, translated with the highest priority on quality
Translation and Self-Checking (F)
+ Translation and Self-Checking (F)+ Third-Party Checking (J)
99~100% 180% of the basic fee

※ (F) = Filipino, (J) = Japanese


〜From individuals to the government and major corporations〜
We have a wide variety of clients

Samples of commissioned works

“Checking” and “Proofreading/Rewriting” services can also be provided as stand-alone services

For clients who already have a translated manuscript, we offer Third-Party Checking and Proofreading/Rewriting services for pre-translated manuscripts.

Japanese → Tagalog Tagalog → Japanese English → Tagalog
Checking 4-7 JPY/character 5-8 JPY/word 5-8 JPY/word
Proofreading/Rewriting 5-8 JPY/character 7-9 JPY/word 7-9 JPY/word
Checking + Proofreading/Rewriting 7-9 JPY/character 9-11 JPY/word 9-11 JPY/word

*Notes on the use of “Checking” and “Proofreading/Rewriting” services

Since few translators specialize in Filipino (Tagalog) and quality control is difficult, we sometimes receive requests for Third-Party Checking and Third-Party Proofreading/Rewriting services from other companies that provide translation services.
In light of this situation, the following exceptions will be made for these services. We apologize for the inconvenience, and thank you for your understanding.

  1. If mistranslations or misleading expressions account for 25% or more of the original text and require a retranslation, we will provide a separate quotation based on the basic fee for the regular “Translation and Self-Checking” service, depending on the volume of mistranslations or misleading expressions.
  2. Checking and Proofreading/Rewriting of machine-translated manuscripts will be quoted separately.

Estimated Translation Turnaround Times

Japanese → Tagalog Tagalog → Japanese English → Tagalog Philippine Regional Languages
1-3 business days Approx. 2,000 characters Approx. 2,000 words Approx. 2,000 words

Please contact us.

5-8 business days Approx. 10,000 characters Approx. 7,000 words Approx. 7,000 words
12-15 business days Approx. 30,000 characters Approx. 20,000 words Approx. 20,000 words

Issuance of Translation Certificate

We can issue a translation certificate when you use our translation services. Please contact us if you require this service. The fee for the issuance is as follows.

  • When using all of “Translation,” “Third-Party Checking” and “Third-Party Proofreading/Rewriting”: Free of charge
  • When using either “Translation” with “Third-Party Checking” or “Translation” with “Third-Party Proofreading/Rewriting”: 3,000 JPY (excluding tax)

Informative articles on Tagalog translation (Filipino translation)



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〜We wholeheartedly convey your important “wishes”〜

We understand that clients who need translations have a variety of wishes.

For one of our corporate clients, it is the desire to create a safe and brighter workplace for their Filipino employees.
For clients from government agencies or organizations, it is the desire to deepen harmonious coexistence with the Filipino people and to create a vibrant community.
For an entrepreneurial client, the desire to continue to take on challenges as they look ahead to business activities in the Philippines.
For one individual client, the desire to develop stronger relationships with Filipino people.

At the root of these is
“a wish to spend more fulfilling days with Filipinos.”
We believe it is this desire.

We at PinoLa Inc. value such wishes of our clients above all else,
and we are committed to satisfying both Filipino and Japanese clients
by offering the best possible translations.

Additionally, to be the “bridge” that further deepens the relationship between our clients and the Filipino people,
we are very particular about each and every step of the process, from translator training to workflow,
and will continue our ingenuity on an everyday basis.

We hope you will take advantage of PinoLa Inc.’s unique Filipino (Tagalog) translation services.